A time to reflect

As we reach the end of each year, we like to take the time to reflect on what we’ve achieved, experienced and learned during the year before we close it down and move on to a fresh new one.

2018 for us was a year of change and advancement amongst delivering projects which were more varied and positively challenging than ever before.


Building up our skillsets

We spent time this year building up some major skillsets, both technical and design. Our industry moves at a lightening speed and it’s vital for us to identify areas in our business which needed some development. We focused considerable time and energy early on in the year enabling us to build some incredibly exciting sites during the rest of the year.

We’ve always found it really important to take time to reflect on where the areas of development lie and to take the time to address them. It’s this honest and brave approach which keeps us nimble and relevant as a business.


Flexing our muscles

If we do say so ourselves, we’ve flexed our Drupal muscles to produce some cracking websites this year! Here’s a snap shot:

Blavatnik School of Government - our brief was a full website re-design and build and are particularly proud of how we helped Blavatnik to incorporate their brand identity throughout the site as well as showcasing a lot of information in an easily accessible way - https://www.bsg.ox.ac.uk/

Pathways for Prosperity – we undertook a full website re-design and build and really enjoyed the challenge of helping this client to use a story telling approach to lay out their reports on the website as well as adding animation to their images - https://pathwayscommission.bsg.ox.ac.uk/charting-pathways-report

For Reuters Institute we were asked to re-vamp the home page on their existing Drupal website. We gave it a fresh new look, enabled it to be more active, interesting and modern as well as being intuitive for Reuters to update. This is an ongoing project and we’ll be re-designing and updating the rest of the website in sections throughout 2019. For starters, take a look at the new homepage  https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/


And we are putting finishing touches to:

A large scale project for MyLawyer. We are developing a new marketing site that integrates to their suite of iOSand Android native apps. The apps allows MyLawyer customers to connect, communicate and work with each other in ways they haven’t been able to before…

For Navarino, we are undertaking some solid programming for some plug and play functionality to integrate into the back-end booking system. This involves building a javascript API that other web developers can use on their website.

For IDDO, we are building a website that incorporates a pool of subsites each of which is used to link researchers in a particular disease speciality. We built an intuitive way for administrators to spin up a new disease platform at the press of a button.


A year of change

GDPR was launched in May and we took a considerable amount of time and energy to raise awareness of it amongst our customers both before, during and after the new Directive was launched. This is an area we’ll re-visit as the reality of the new law unfolds.


Looking forward

In 2019, we are looking forward to the chance of flexing our technical muscles even more! We’ll be working on solutions to secure document management, process digitisation and interactive technologies which will radically change how people use websites…


Final thought

We hope that you reach the end of the year with time for peace and reflection. We look back on a year full of technical challenges and look forward to a year of even more.


Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and a happy and healthy new year.

December 2018