Your website is actually a powerful informative tool

Your website is a powerful tool. Yes, it’s a ‘shop window’ into your business, a way for people to browse at what you do, how you are different to your competitors and why they should use you. But it’s also a powerhouse of information, which through careful management can really facilitate business growth.


My Barrister is an online matchmaking service between clients and barristers. It’s a portal on which barristers can present their skills to the world, and where clients can find the exact legal expert they need. My Barrister needed a search driven website to help clients identify which legal area their particular issues falls in and find Barristers to help. It needed to be fast and easy to feed their back end CRM systems.

Olamalu built a custom made CRM system which helps agents take enquiries from the website and field phone calls. An iPhone and Android app supports this by allowing clients to easily search for barristers and catch up with legal news.


The result is a slicker, more customer focused business, which quickly fields information to the right places.


A multi-functional website which pushes information out to the world and in return sucks and sorts information back through the business is a powerhouse indeed.

If you’d like to talk to us about how to use your website to manage your customers, give us a call on 01993 256201 or drop us an email.


November 2015